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#TGIF #chchcheckit #aChordOtW #TechnologyOfTheFuture

Those pink nails clash with the red phone. #colorblind
Ahoy all!

Good news everyone! A Chord of the Week has moved beyond the boring late 1990s world of websites and have added a Twitter account.

Some say that Twitter is what robots yell when they have an orgasm. Some say that M.Night Shyamalan is making the best movie you will ever see, ever, in 150 characters and six seconds because wasting any more of your time would be criminal. All we know is that we're going to use the tag/handle/whathaveyou to more easily share posts and to hopefully get some more discussions going.

Since Twitter already has a few users, we were unable to get the name we really wanted - @BClintonPlayMySax, but we settled on the next best one, @aChordOtW. Please follow us, we'd like to feel your red onion and coffee breath pulsing in our virtual ear to the beat of whatever album in on the blog. We'll try to follow you back, or whatever people do these days on Twitter, but we are awful, just awful, with directions, so we might get lost. All in the name of adventure!

Keep your blinkers, knickers and headphones on.

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