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Girls – Father, Son, Holy Ghost 10/5-10/11

The album that is new to us all, while we’ve heard it all before...
To start out I will say this is one of best albums I have heard in some time. I realize making a statement such as this is just asking for backlash, (I know I probably would give some… but I have also been called argumentative.) but I hope after I explain my opinion we will all be in agreement and the ACTW community will be able to say this as well… Because how awesome would it be for all of us to have just listened to an album and be able to say something like “MAN! That was awesome!”… Unlikely I know. But a guy can dream cant he?

So back to “The album that is new to us all, while we’ve heard it all before…” Simple enough idea… and personally if I read that I would most likely assume the album is unoriginal and/or played out stylistically. Whether it’s a band that has ripped off another’s sound or released an album identical to one of their previous releases, most of us have experienced the dissatisfaction resulting. (I know I have.) However when it comes to “Father, Son, Holy Ghost” a unique situation arises. Now it is no secret that Girls have a sound similar to many one might hear on their local “oldies” station, and (trust me) this album is no different. I would say not only is the sound similar to many great bands of the past, but many of the songs are so similar they feel as if you have already heard them.

When I listen, I hear many of my favorite bands from past generations. I hear sounds of the Beatles, Elvis, Pink Floyd, Elliot Smith, Brian Wilson, and many more which I couldn’t nail down. Wait… What is this, an oldies compilation fall 2011? … Anything but.. Yes when you listen to “Father, Son, Holy Ghost” you may hear a few if not many bands from the past you’re familiar with. However the unique beauty of the album and its success in my opinion is Girls ability to incorporate all of these iconic sounds while never losing their identity. Each and every song is truly their own.

The sound is rich. The style diverse. The writing of Christopher Owens stimulates without fail.

Hope you all enjoy it.

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