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ACTW: A Representative Playlist for Young Professionals in the Sunlight of their Lives


I would like to thank everyone that contributed to ACTW's first ever conglomerate playlist. It is an outstanding collection exhibiting both the prowess and cunning appreciation that all of our members possess. For anonymity's sake, the mgmt has elected to NOT reveal the names behind the choices in order to protect the innocent and be unnecessarily mysterious.

In honor of this momentous elation, the playlist will suffice as the album of the week for the next two weeks. This will allow all members to dig deeper into each selection. Remember: there's always room for more members, so recruit some friends why don't you.

Now feed your ears; they look hungry.

Thanks again,


1 comment:

eugev44 said...

Not including my own song, the following were my favorites BY FAR on the playlist:

True Loves by Hooray for Earth
Dayvan Cowboy by Boards of Canada
Crystalised by the xx

Not too thrilled by the rest. Congrats to the 3 winners above.