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Freelance Whales - Weathervanes 6/13-6/20

Strawberries and Bananas,

Just went to this concert at the TLA a few weeks ago (a friend's friend's band). Great show, got to chill with them afterwards. They are definitely an up and coming I would say, as I am seeing them more and more on different advertising campaigns. Very cool music to listen to while working or hanging out; sorry guys, no baby making this time around!

I don't have too much to say. Just enjoy them, please!

Comments much appreciated (:


Daniel said...

Paul, we saw this band open for the Shout Out Louds in Toronto, right? I don't remember them, so it will be cool to give them another look.

Micah Stahl said...

I've listened to the Freelance Whales before. They sound like Owl City, excepted a lot more talented. I'm curious to see what this album sounds like. Very curious...

Micah Stahl said...

I just realized this is the album that I have listened to. I enjoy it but it seems to me certain songs are a lot stronger than others. "Starring" is definitely my favorite.

pM said...

Very soothing and relaxing album. I really enjoyed seeing them with the Shout Out Louds and I'm really enjoying rediscovering them.