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The Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild Hunt 5.16-5.22

I'd like to start by saying thank you to everyone that has uploaded stuff and to hopefully everyone is enjoying expanding their musical spectrum. This week I introduce a man from Sweden, Kristian Matsson with a band name of The Tallest Man on Earth. This album, The Wild Hunt, is his second album and in my limited experience with Bob Dylan, his voice immediately reminds me of him. There is some banjo and piano and a voice that is fairly astounding. For some reason, I find that the Swedish accent of English is fantastic. That's all I'm going to say about this.
Please, enjoy.


Micah Stahl said...

This is an interesting album. The Swedish influence on indie rock is definitely there, especially with the Shout Out Louds being so amazing. For those who haven't listened to Jens Lekman's "Night Falls over Kortedala", it comes highly recommended by misa.

I need to give this one another listen through as I felt like the beginning was very strong but that the latter songs didn't catch me as much. Intriguing...

Scott said...

A friend recently told me to listen to this. Any streaming links?