Sometimes it's easy to dismiss an entire album after only listening a track or two. That usually happens to me. I have a short attention span, you see. Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I leave most books half read and most video games half played because they have not been able to satisfy my stringent psuedo-ADHD needs. This annoying habit, when applied to my selection of music, has led to dismiss me some hidden gems. Fear not, however, after months of iTunes on shuffle I finally realised how bloody amazing this album was.
This week, I bring you Parov Stelar of Linz, Austria, widely known as the creator of the genre of music known as "Electroswing", and his album Coco. This über-cool mix of modern house beats and early 20th century American swing-jazz will hopefully awaken your tired self and induce a bout of frenzied dancing. Perhaps you may even look as brilliant as this guy.
Notable tracks: The Mojo Radio Gang (Radio Version), Libella Swing, Catgroove
I thought this album was pretty nuts. I can totally see the ADD appeal of it with that brass section combined with the electronic elements.
I actually went to the gym this week (for the first time in maybe 5 years) and loved rocking it to this album.
A late comment to the post, but I will echo Micah's comment (and question his gym comment - "this week" you posted on a Monday, so either you went yesterday, or you didn't go!).
This album is fantastic fun. I took some swing classes and this is way faster than I can even think of the moves, but nonetheless very fun to imagine dancing to.
I'm trying to picture the type of nightclub that would have this bumping late into the night and I get all sorts of images in my mind. Would it be DJs or DJs with a singer or a band plus DJs? Would it be in a warehouse, on a rooftop, a small room smelling of graffiti?
Thanks Sheldon, this is sweet.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.
There are also remixed versions that are much clubbier and I would imagine that alot of the euro-style clubs that play house music would play them. It would also be awesome to see them live I think. Anyone up for coming over here soon for a gig?
Seeing these fellas live would be quite a trip. This album is face-meltingly intense.
Sheldon, are the entire albums remixed or just specific songs?
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