Sometimes it's easy to dismiss an entire album after only listening a track or two. That usually happens to me. I have a short attention span, you see. Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I leave most books half read and most video games half played because they have not been able to satisfy my stringent psuedo-ADHD needs. This annoying habit, when applied to my selection of music, has led to dismiss me some hidden gems. Fear not, however, after months of iTunes on shuffle I finally realised how bloody amazing this album was.
This week, I bring you Parov Stelar of Linz, Austria, widely known as the creator of the genre of music known as "Electroswing", and his album Coco. This über-cool mix of modern house beats and early 20th century American swing-jazz will hopefully awaken your tired self and induce a bout of frenzied dancing. Perhaps you may even look as brilliant as this guy.
Notable tracks: The Mojo Radio Gang (Radio Version), Libella Swing, Catgroove